Congratulations Fredonia!

Last night the winner of the $500,000 cash award to help small business was awarded to Fredonia, NY through The Small Business Revolution show!  Now the real work begins!  The Chautauqua County Chamber of Commerce worked hard to create a campaign to bring awareness to the online vote that led to the final five townships and then down to the winner.

Last night we tuned into the Live Feed that took place at the Fredonia Opera House.  Hundreds of community members, small business owners, elected leaders and students were there - both inside and outside of the Opera Hall, to eagerly await the results!  

Now the real work begins.  How would we use $500,000 to further small business in our community?  Throughout the next season of The Small Business Revolution, Fredonia will be showcased in each episode focusing on small business.  HOW EXCITING for that community!

A national spotlight on a great village - similar to the communities we represent (college town, located near water -Lake Erie, small Village and engaged residents).

Find out more about The Small Business Revolution here